故宮書畫錄(卷八),第四冊,頁165&* 范廷鎮(又作臣鎮),自號藝園范生,畫史無傳,生平籍貫事蹟均不可考。從作品觀察,梅花畫得極好。畫法不落古人舊格局,能夠自創新意,譬如本幀扇面畫月光下的梅枝,寫幹圈花後,再用淡墨烘染,用濛籠的夜色和霧氣襯托出花朵的明艷,很傳神地描畫出林逋詩:「暗香浮動月黃昏,疎影橫斜水清淺」的境界來。&* Fan T’ing-chen, who called himself I-yüan Fan-sheng (Mr. Fan of the Garden of Art), is not recorded in the painting histories. His surviving works indicate that he was an excellent painter of plums and calligrapher who did not follow the styles of former masters but was able to create his own idiom. In this fan painting of plums in the moonlight, he first drew the trunks and outlined the blossoms and then darkened the background with a light wash, using nocturnal mists to help bring out the bright clusters of blossoms. The painting expresses in pictorial form the spirit of Lin P’u’s poems, from which the title of the painting is derived: “Hidden fragrance drifts through the yellow darkness of moonlight; scattered reflections dance along the borders of the shallow stream.” A painting by the Sung artist Ma Lin included in this exhibition bears the same title.