故宮書畫錄(卷八),第四冊,頁165&* 呂煥成,浙江餘姚人,字吉文,號枕俠。生於崇禎三年(一六三○),至康熙四十四年(一七○五)年七十六尚在。善人物、花卉。 樹陰牧馬,畫樹類藍瑛之鮮麗,人馬似陳洪緩之古拙,小草則近吳派之細膩。年款癸卯(康熙二年,西元一六六三),三十四歲。 &*Two Horses Lü Huan-ch’eng (1630-1705) Ming Dynasty Lü Huan-ch’eng, style name Chi-wen, sobriquet Chen-hsia, was a native of Yü-yao, Chekiang Province. He excelled at figure and flower paintings. Two horses play in the shade of a tree. The trees are painted in the bright, fresh style of Lan Ying, while the horses and groom reflect the archaic quality of Ch’en Hung-shou’s style. The grass is painted with an attention to detail that approaches the meticulousness of the Wu School painters. This composition was completed in 1662 when Lü was thirty-three years old. &*1.林柏亭、張華芝,〈明呂煥成畫馬〉,收入林柏亭、張華芝編,《畫馬名品特展圖錄》(臺北:國立故宮博物院,1990年元月初版),頁98。