錢穀字叔寶,江蘇長州人,生於正德三年(一五○八),卒於隆慶六年(一五七二),或謂萬曆六年(一五七八)尚在世。少孤失學,及壯,遊文徵明門下,始得讀書,並兼習繪事。善山水,亦能蘭竹。文徵明嘗書其楣「懸磐」,因號磬室,或磬室子。 錢氏擅山水、蘭竹,画馬則信筆為之。文人遺興之作,不以形似求之,別饒一種清逸之氣。 &* Ch’ien Ku, tzu Shu-pao; hao Ch’ing-shih, was a native of Ch’ang-chou, Kiang-ssu. As a child he was orphaned and did not attend school. Later he received both literary and painting instruction from Wen Ching-ming. Ch’ien Ku was an accomplished painter of landscape, orchids, and bamboos, but seldom painted horses. Treating his brushwork in easy fashion, he painted this horse only for entertaiment instead of with strict fidelity to appearance. Nonetheless, the painting has a restful atmosphere. &*故宮書畫錄(卷八),第四冊,頁165