石渠寶笈初編(養心殿),上冊,頁498&*故宮書畫錄(卷八),第四冊,頁165&* 項德新(約西元一五六一-一六二三年)字又新,號復初,又號讀易居士。雅好博古,與董其昌、陳繼儒、汪柯玉等文人雅士交情匪淺,在嘉興書畫圈中極是活躍,頗見乃父項元汴之風。 此幅墨竹筆意擬予北宋畫竹大家文同(十一世紀),行筆老鍊暢快,墨色具濃淡之變化,通幅展現文人寫意的筆趣墨韻。本幅為「明人便面畫冊」第二冊第十四開。&* Xiang Dexin (style name Youxin, style name Fuchu) had a studio named “Hall of Reading the Yijing” (Duyi tang), hence his sobriquet “Layman of Reading the Yijing” (Duyi jushi). Refined and versed in art, he associated with such scholar-gentlemen as Dong Qichang, Chen Jiru, and Wang Keyu. Active in Jiaxing painting and calligraphy circles, his works reveal the influence of his father, Xiang Yuanbian. The brushwork in this fan painting of ink bamboo is done in the style of the Northern Song bamboo master Wen Tong (fl. 11th c.). The brushwork is mature and fluid, while the ink tones range from light to dark. The work reveals the “sketching ideas” literati style of brush and ink. This is the 14th leaf from the second album in “Albums of Fans by Ming Artists.”