石渠寶笈續編(寧壽宮),第六冊,頁3034&*故宮書畫錄(卷八),第四冊,頁50&*故宮書畫圖錄,第二十一冊,頁85-88&* 金廷標(?–一七六七),字士揆,浙江吳興人,乾隆年間院畫家,擅長於人物、花卉、與山水。 本幅描繪秦漢之際四位隱居於商山的老人悠然的生活。水畔林間,高士或觀泉、或奕棋、或觀棋,閒適自在。全畫以水墨繪成,側筆刷染山石皴痕,是從斧劈皴變化而來,斜向伸出的枝葉也有「拖枝」技法的趣味,追仿南宋院畫家馬遠的風格,墨色變化也很豐富。 &* Chin T'ing-piao, style name Shih-k'uei and a native of Wu-hsing, Chekiang, was a court painter in the Ch'ien-lung reign (1736-1795) specializing in figures, flowers, and landscapes. This work depicts the leisurely life of the Four Sages in reclusion at Mt. Shang during the Ch'in to Han period (ca. 3rd c. BC). By waterside in the woods, the sages view a stream and play or watch a game of Chinese checkers in a leisurely manner. The work is in ink with slanted brushwork for carving out texture marks in washes for the earthen forms, derived from "axe-cut" texture strokes. The diagonal branches recall the "dragged branch" manner. Both techniques imitate those of the Southern Sung court painter Ma Yüan with even greater variation in ink. &*1.楊婉瑜,〈論清代宮廷畫家金廷標《臨馬遠商山四皓圖》〉,《議藝份子》,第15期(2010年12月),頁1-32。