故宮書畫錄(卷八),第四冊,頁33&*故宮書畫圖錄,第十六冊,頁105-108&*據「史記」載,禹為黃帝的玄孫。當帝堯之時,洪水滔天,民不安居,禹繼承了父親鯀的治水事業,採用疏導方式,歷經十三年,三過家門而不入,水患悉平。舜死,禪讓禹為帝,在位八年。是圖即描寫山川險峻,禹指揮眾人鑿嶺開山、疏河搭橋、驅逐虎豹,使百姓得平土以居的場景。卷末有款「千里伯駒」,然就畫中山岩結構等風格而言,已是後人託名之作。 趙伯駒,北宋青綠山水畫家,字千里。&*According to The Historian's Records, Yü was the great-great-grandson of Huang. In Shao's reign, floods wreaked havoc for the people. Yü followed his father in flood prevention. After using the channel method for 13 years, the waters did not return, solving the problem of flooding. With Shun's death, the throne was given to Yü, who ruled for 8 years. This work depicts steep mountains and rushing rivers. Yü leads the people in opening a mountain, building a bridge over a channel, and driving out a ferocious beast so that people can live in peace. At the end here is a Chao Po-chü signature, “Ch’ien-li, Po-chü”. The style, however, is that of a later artist. Chao was an important blue-and-green landscape painter (with the style name Ch'ien-li).