故宮書畫錄(卷八),第四冊,頁33&*故宮書畫圖錄,第十六冊,頁95-100&*趙伯駒(生年不詳,約卒於西元一一六二年),字千里,宋太祖七世孫,趙大年之子。仕至浙東兵馬鈐轄。善畫山水、花果、翎毛及人物,樓閣界畫尤妙。 上林苑乃秦朝舊苑,漢武帝擴建。周圍三百里,離宮七十所,規模宏偉。苑中飼養禽獸多種,,春秋二季皇帝時常至此圍獵。本卷青綠設色,畫上林苑帝王圍獵情景。人物眾多,車輦儀仗無一不備。&*Chao Po-chü (style name Ch'ien-1i) was a seventh generation descendant of the first Sung emperor, Tai-tsu (r. 960-975), and the son of the painter Chao Ta-nien. Chao Po-chü served as Military Administrator of Infantry and Calvary of Che-tung. He excelled at painting landscapes, flowers, fruits, birds, and figures, and his renderings of buildings in ruled-lines were exceptionally marvelous. The Shang-lin Park was constructed by the Ch'in (221-207 B.C.) court and expanded by the Han emperor Wu-ti (r. 140-87 B.C.). With a circumference of 300 Chinese miles and 70 Palace Halls, the park was enormous in scale. In the park, animals of every kind were raised, and the emperor often went there to hunt in the spring and autumn. This painting is in blue and green colors depicting an animated scene of an emperor hunting in the Shang-lin Park. The handscroll is filled with groups of figures complete with carriages and regalia.