石渠寶岌三編(御書房),第七冊,頁3229&*故宮書畫錄(卷六),第四冊,頁273&*1.邱士華,〈清七處山水、疏林遠岫〉,收入何傳馨主編,《山水合璧:黃公望與富春山居圖特展》(臺北:國立故宮博物院,2011年五月初版一刷),頁346-347。 &*七處,俗姓朱,字翰之,金陵人,生卒年不詳,入清後出家為僧。畫風空靈雅秀,是金陵畫派的先驅。 前景畫疏樹數株,若干似傾身向前,望向對岸的紅牆古寺;古寺邊陪襯數株林木,其後尖翹山峰數座兀立。全圖皆染以清淡墨彩,呈現出飄渺虛幻之感。畫幅左方吳岱觀(明末清初人)題跋稱此作介於黃公望及善仿黃公望的鄒之麟(明末清初人)之間。全幅疏簡的筆墨,表現當時人對黃公望風格的理解。 (清周亮工集名家山水冊 第九開 20110609)&*Qichu (secular surname Zhu, style name Hanzhi) was a native of Jinling (Nanjing). His birth and death dates are unknown, but he became a monk in the early Qing period. The light spirit and elegant beauty of his painting style make him a forerunning of the Nanjing School. The foreground of this work depicts a few scattered trees with some leaning towards the ancient red-walled temple on the opposite bank. Contrasting with the ancient temple are several trees, behind which are some pointed peaks standing tall and straight. The entire work was done in light and elegant tones of ink and colors, revealing an effect of ethereal illusion. Left of the painting is an inscription by Wu Daiguan (fl. late Ming and early Qing), who wrote that this work is a cross between that of Huang Gongwang and Zhou Zhilin (also of the late Ming and early Qing), who excelled at imitating Huang’s style. The sparse and simple brushwork throughout this work expresses an understanding of Huang Gongwang’s style among artists of the time. (20110609)