石渠寶笈續編(乾清宮),第一冊,頁513&*故宮書畫錄(卷六),第四冊,頁211&*李東生平不詳,宋理宗(西元一二二五─一二六四年)嘗於御街賣畫,擅長畫農村愉快的生活,平民飲酒作樂的題材。本幅有「李東畫」三小字,這是宋朝畫家簽名的習慣。本幅秋葵,一側面、一背面,又有含苞待放者,讓人猶如在眼前所見的真實的狀況,不但見其形狀,如可摘取,又似有花香撲鼻。一個優秀的畫家,對描繪物像的本質能做充份的表達,從這一幅可以看出來。&*The birth and death dates of Li Tung are unknown, but he is said to have sold paintings on the imperial boulevard in the capital during the reign of Li-tsung (r. 1225-1264). He specialized in festive scenes of village life, in which common folk drink and make merry. This work is inscribed, “Painted by Li Tung,” in the custom for signatures by Sung artists. In this painting of a flowering hollyhock with buds, one blossom faces the viewer while the others face in the opposite direction. The plant is represented in a very lifelike manner. Not only the appearance has been captured, but it is almost as if a fragrance emanates from it. Obviously, the artist here was gifted at representing not only the form, but also the essence of an object.