石渠寶笈初編(御書房),下冊,頁856&*故宮書畫錄(卷六),第四冊,頁175-176&* 孫杕(西元十七世紀前期),與藍瑛、陳洪綬同時,字漫士,號竹癡,錢塘(杭州)人。用筆遒勁,畫寫生花鳥直逼黃筌、趙昌,尤精鉤勒飛白竹石,兼工分、隸、行、草。 本幅畫蘭花叢生於奇石之後,石姿高低顧盼,蘭花苞葉交織,其青綠濃艷的風格,與藍瑛或可相捋。款:辛卯(一六五一)夏五月。漫士孫杕畫。 &*Orchids and Rocks Sun Ti (early 17th century) Ming dynasty Sun Ti, a native of Hangchou, Chekiang, was contemporary with Lan Ying and Ch’en Hung-shou of the late Ming. He used tensile brushwork to paint birds and flowers in a style that recalls the early painters Huang Ch’üan and Chao Ch’ang. Sun was particularly skilled as a painter of bamboo and rocks, and he was well-known as a calligrapher as well. Orchids flourish behind unusual rocks that stand at different heights. The orchid’s buds and leaves form intricate patterns. The richly tinted blue and green style evident in this painting of 1651 can be compared with a similar painting mode of Lan Ying.