石渠寶笈續編(重華宮),第三冊,頁1750 &*故宮書畫錄(卷六),第四冊,頁156-157 &*故宮書畫圖錄,第二十四冊,頁246-247&* 陳書(西元一六六0至一七三六年),浙江秀水人,號上元弟子,上元老人。適海塩錢綸光,後以長子錢陳群顯貴,誥封太淑人。 陳書性嗜繪,尤擅花鳥草蟲。本開繪迎韶諸吉祥花物,報歲蘭、折枝臘梅各一,下繪紅柿百合,以賀歲朝百事如意。筆墨秀逸,設色雅淡,是小品佳作。 &*Auspicious Flowers of the New Year Ch’en Shu (1660-1736) Ch’ing dynasty Ch’en Shu, a woman painter, was a native of Hsiu-shui, Chekiang. Her sobriquets were Shang-yüan ti-tzu and Shang-yüan lao-jen. Chen Shu excelled in painting flowers, birds, grasses and insects. She is also noted for her paintings of landscapes and figures. This album leaf depicts auspicious flowers and fruits of the new year, such as orchid, plum blossoms, persimmon and nandin. The lofty and exquisite brushwork and light and elegant colors are beautifully combined with rare taste and style.