石渠寶笈初編(御書房),上冊,頁542 &*故宮書畫錄(卷八),第四冊,頁6&*沈荃(西元一六二四-一六八四年),江蘇華亭(今上海松江)人。順治九年(一六五二)探花,官至翰林院侍讀學士。工書法,學董其昌、米芾,為康熙帝書法顧問。 本幅書於庚申(一六八○)春日,共七則:一臨鍾繇薦季直表。二節臨王羲之蘭亭敘。三臨陸柬之蘭亭詩。四臨王獻之地黃湯帖。五臨王獻之敬祖帖。六臨褚遂良枯樹賦。七臨顏真卿爭坐位帖。雖是臨仿,卻不失個人特色。(20110101)&* Shen Quan, native to Huating in Jiangsu (modern Songjiang, Shanghai) was third in the Presented Scholar (jinshi) exams of 1652 and served as Hanlin Academician-in-Waiting. Gifted at calligraphy and studied in the styles of Dong Qichang and Mi Fu, he was the Kangxi Emperor’s consultant in calligraphy. This work is dated to a spring day in 1680 and features 7 copies of ancient writing. The first is of Zhong You’s Recommendation for Jizhi, the second Wang Xizhi’s Orchid Pavilion Preface, the third Lu Jianzhi’s Orchid Pavilion Poetry, the fourth Wang Xianzhi’s Rehmannia Broth, the fifth Wang Xianzhi’s Revering Ancestors, the sixth Chu Suiliang’s Ode on a Withered Tree, and the seventh Yan Zhenqing’s Controversy on Seating Protocol.(20110101)