簡介:"礦物硫化物及硫鹽黝銅礦TetrahedriteSulfides and SulfosaltsMainly composed of copper, antimony and sulphur, tetrahedrite often contains iron, zinc and occasionally small amounts of silver, lead and mercury. It shares the same crystal structure with tennantite (Tennantite, Cu 12 As 4 S 13 ). Both belong to a solid solution series. Antimony-rich specimens are tetrahedrite while arsenic-rich ones are tennatite. Tetrahedrite is characterized in its metallic luster, gray to black colors and brittleness. It is one of the most common sulfosalts, often formed in low-temperature to mid-temperature hydrothermal veins. Tetrahedrite is used as an ore of copper and silver. 主要由銅、銻、硫所構成,常含鐵、鋅,偶爾也含少量的銀、鉛和汞。與砷黝銅礦(Tennantite, Cu12As4S13)有相同的結晶構造,兩者為一連續的固溶系列,含銻多者,為黝銅礦;含砷多者,為砷黝銅礦。 金屬光澤,灰至黑色,具脆性為其特徵。 黝銅礦為硫鹽礦物中最為常見的一種,多產在低溫至中溫的熱液礦脈裡,可以提煉具經濟價值的銅和銀。"