簡介:"由銅、砷、硫所構成,也常含有少量的銻。在1874年於菲律賓的呂宋島發現,故名呂宋礦,但此種礦物常呈塊狀,且成分與硫砷銅礦一樣,又名塊狀硫砷銅礦。 與硫砷銅礦之化學成分相同,但構造與物理性質略有不同,兩者屬於同質異形體。 台北金瓜石及其東部各礦體均有呂宋礦產出,且通常會和硫砷銅礦生長在一起。呂宋礦也是當地重要的產銅礦物之一。礦物硫化物及硫鹽呂宋礦Luzonite Sulfides and SulfosaltsLuzonite consists of copper, arsenic, sulfur, and oftentimes a minor amount of antimony. It was discovered in Luzon, Philippines in 1874, from which its name is derived. Luzonite is dimorphous with enargite and massive in its crystal habit, so it is called massive enargite as well. Luzonite and enargite are dimorphous, meaning that they are of the same chemical substances and different in structure and physical properties. Luzonite is mined in Chin-Kua-Shih, Taipei and on the east coast of Taiwan. It is usually associated with enargite, and is a major, local ore of copper."