簡介:"礦物硫化物及硫鹽砷黃鐵礦GraphiteSulfides and SulfosaltsArsenopyrite consists of iron, arsen, and sulfur. When the composition of iron is replaced with cobalt, then it forms (Glaucodot,(Co,Fe)AsS).Arsenopyrite has the similar physical properties of marcasite, but these two can be identified according to the different colors, silver and light brass yellow. After weathering, arsenopyrite decomposed as light yellow or light green scorodite(FeAsO4.2H2O) which is the most commonly spread arsenopyrite mineral occurring on the high to mild hydrothermal alternation and also the major source of refined arsen.又名毒砂,主要由鐵、砷、硫所構成。若鈷置換相當量的鐵時,便會形成鐵硫鈷礦(Glaucodot, (Co, Fe) AsS)。 砷黃鐵礦的物化性質與白鐵礦十分相似,不過銀白的顏色與淺銅黃色的白鐵礦可作一區別。 砷黃鐵礦經風化後,可分解而形成淺黃色或淺綠色的臭蔥石(Scorodite, FeAsO4.2H2O)。它是分布最為普遍的一種含砷礦物,多形成於高溫和中溫的熱液礦床中,為砷的主要來源。"