簡介:"主要由鉛、銅、銻和硫所構成,其中部分的銻有時可被砷所置換。因在{110}面上,常有規則狀聚集之雙晶,使晶體外形酷似車輪,故名之。 比重大,顏色和條痕均為鐵灰至黑色,具車輪狀結晶體,為其特徵。 車輪礦多產自中溫的熱液礦脈內,可提煉銅、銻和鉛等金屬。礦物硫化物及硫鹽車輪礦BournoniteSulfides and SulfosaltsBournonite consists of lead, copper, antimony, and sulfur; antimony may be replaced by arsen. Due to on the cleavage of {110}, bournonite has regular twin crystal aggregates and the name is given according to the similar shape with a wheel. It has high specific weight and grayish to black color and cleavage with the crystal structure of wheel shape. Bournonite occurs in mild hydrothermal veins, used for refining metals of copper, antimony, and lead."