簡介:"主要由砷和硫所構成,因顏色與條痕都呈橙紅色,又稱雞冠石。 雄黃若長期暴露光線下,會產生光化學反應,並崩解成褐黃色的雌黃粉未,因此。為永久典藏,應避免受到光線直接照射。 在中國古代端午節的時候,人們為了避邪去毒,常在酒中加入一些雄黃服用,是為雄黃酒。但因成份中含有砷,具毒性,現代已甚少使用。提取砷及製造各種砷化物為其主要用途。礦物硫化物及硫鹽雄黃Realgar Sulfides and SulfosaltsMainly composed of arsenic and sulphur, realgar is also called "Cockscomb Stone" in Chinese because of its orange-red streaks.When exposed to light for a long period of time, realgar will deteriorate into brown-yellow orpiment powders. Therefore, for specimen collection, it should be stored in an environment without direct exposure to light.Ancient Chinese had the tradition of drinking alcohols added with realgar in the belief that this special cocktail would ward off the evils. However, the realgar solution is actually toxic with arsenic and the tradition is no longer in practice nowadays. Realgar is used as a major ore of several arsenic compounds."