簡介:"礦物硫化物及硫鹽斑銅礦BorniteSulfides and SulfosaltsBornite is rarely seen in the form of single crystal, usually occurs in massive or irregular form. Pure bornite has the color of reddish bronze; after weathering, it turns iridescent deep purple or blue. After a period of time, it turns dark black. The streak is grayish black and it has the characteristics of being low hardness. The formulation of bornite is similar with that ofChalcopyrite. It is widely spread and a major source of refined copper.在自然界中單晶體極為少見,通常以緻密塊狀或不規則狀產出。新鮮的斑銅礦呈暗銅紅色,風化後呈暗紫或藍紫暈色,時間久了之後,會變為暗黑色。灰黑色條痕、低硬度為其特色。 斑銅礦的成因與產狀和黃銅礦十分類似,它是一種相當普遍的銅礦,也是提煉銅的重要原料之一。"