簡介:"自然銀的顏色與條痕均為銀白色,通常在空氣或在水中都很穩定,但空氣中若含有硫,則會起化學作用而變為灰或黑色的硫化銀。 自然銀常含有金、銅和汞,偶而也含有少量的鉑、銻和鉍。 自然銀並不是銀的重要來源,常用的銀主要是由輝銀礦(Argentite)等含銀礦物提煉而來。 銀的導電性、導熱性及延展性極佳,常作為貨幣、貴重的裝飾品、照相材料等用途。礦物自然元素自然銀Native SilverThe color and steak of native silver is grayish white and it remains stable in the air and water. But if there is sulfur, silver easily response to the chemical reaction and forms gray or black Ag2S. Native silver contains gold, copper, and mercury, sometimes a small amount of platinum, antimony, and bismuth. Native silver is not the major source of silver. Silver widely used is refined from argentite. Native silver has good conductivity of electricity and heat as well as ductility, often used for coin-making and luxurious ornaments, and photograph materials."