簡介:"礦物自然元素硫磺SulfurThe color of sulfur is yellow with white streak, low melting point, poor, basal, and prismatic cleavage. The unique smell of sulfur makes it easy to be identified. Sulfur is often found in volcanic rocks or spring areas formed by the gases; for example, sulfur in Yangming and Peitou areas, Taipei. Mined deposits may have a sedimentary origin such as salinity structure in Baja California. It is not easy for sulfur to maintain its form on the surface of the earth; it often reacts with every kind of metal and forms water compound gypsum and alunite. Sulfur is widely used in the manufacturing of sulfuric acid, dynamite, rubber, matches, and pesticide.硫磺的顏色為黃色,條痕為白色,熔點低,解理不完全,並具有特殊的硫磺味,極易鑑別。 通常產在火山口硫氣孔附近或是溫泉地區,台北陽明山和北投地區的硫磺,便是含硫的火山氣體直接凝華而成。此外,在美國南部墨西哥灣海岸地區的鹽丘構造中,也有大量硫磺分布。 硫磺在地表形成後,並不容易長久維持其原有狀態,很快會和各種金屬化合,形成石膏、明礬石等含水的硫酸鹽類礦物。 硫磺的用途很廣,諸如製造硫酸、炸藥、橡皮等,而日常所使用的火柴、殺蟲劑等也都有硫磺的成分。"