簡介:" 簡介:黑長尾雉又名帝雉,為臺灣特有種,牠棲息於海拔1600至3300公尺間,針闊葉混合林或針葉林帶陡峻斜坡之底層叢藪中,偶而亦見於人工造林地、次生林。牠的食物包括野莓、嫩葉、幼芽、花、蕨類、紫菀,植物幼根和昆蟲。每年四月到八月為黑長尾雉的繁殖期,每窩產2~8個蛋,蛋米白色至淡褐色。 Mikado PheasantIntroductionThe Mikado Pheasant is a Taiwan endemic species. It inhabits mixed broadleaf and conifer forest or scrub on steep slopes in areas of conifer forest at 1600 to 3300 meters. It is sometimes found in areas of man-made or secondary forest. It feeds on berries, newly grown leaves, plant shoots, flower buds, fern shoots, asters, young roots and insects. The breeding season is from April to August. Clutch size is from 2 to 8 eggs. The eggs are off white to light brown in color. "