簡介:藍腹鷴為臺灣特有種,棲息於山區海拔高度300~2300公尺間原始闊葉林及針闊葉混合林底層腐植層厚的緩坡帶裏,偶而亦在次生林或造林地出現。以植物的幼芽、嫩葉、花、漿果、種子、根和毛蟲、螞蝗、蛙類、蚯蚓等為食。繁殖於三月至七月。Family PhasianidaeSwinhoe's PheasantIntroductionSwinhoe's Pheasant is a species that is endemic to Taiwan. It inhabits gently sloping and detritus-covered floor of primary broadleaf and mixed broadleaf and conifer forest in mountainous areas of 300-2300 meters. It is sometimes found in secondary or man-made forest. Its diet includes plant shoots, newly grown leaves, flower buds, juicy fruits, seeds, roots, caterpillars, leeches, frogs and earthworms. The breeding season is from March to July.