簡介:"Wooly rhinocerosIntroductionCoelodonta sp. is an extinct species of rhinoceros that is characterized by its long fur, hence the name Woolly Rhinos. It has two horns arranged in tandem on its nasal and frontal bones; the incisors have degenerated; the molars have high crowns, and the outer walls of the crowns have wavy-folds, enabling them to chew on coarse grasses and branches in shrubberies and low bushes. The wooly rhinos were mostly discovered in England , France , eastern Siberia , Mongolia and Northern China . They were also found on cave paintings done by early humans in the caverns of southern France , depicting them as having two horns and covered in furs. Paleontologists have estimated that these paintings may at least 30,000 years old. 腔齒犀的特徵為全身披覆著長毛,因此也有人稱為披毛犀(Woolly Rhino)。其重要特徵為鼻骨及額骨上有兩前後排列且突起的角,門齒已經退化,臼齒為高齒冠,臼齒外壁呈波浪狀褶皺,以利於矮樹叢中咀嚼粗糙的草類與樹木的枝葉。 腔齒犀大多在英國、法國、西伯利亞東部及中國大陸的蒙古與華北地區被發現。而且在法國南部的洞穴內,也發現了許多早期的人類有關牠的繪畫,可見到長有兩角和身披長毛的相似圖形,根據古生物學家推測這些繪畫距今已約三萬年。"