簡介:ReptileRussell’s Viper腹蛇科鎖蛇This species habitat includes mountains, cultivated land and riverside gravel. It is often found coiled in a heap, moves slowly and is very aggressive. The poison is very venomous and can be fatal, so care should be taken. The Russell’s Viper is nocturnal, with a diet of frogs, lizards, snakes, birds and rodents. Viviparous, generally give birth to live young with 20 to 63 babies per nest. This species is very rare in Taiwan, though in the past it has been smuggled into the country and then dumped near ports for fear or being caught by police. This has led to residents near the port being bitten.棲息於山區或開墾地及河床礫灘地。常盤成一堆,行動緩慢,攻擊性強,具有劇毒,能致人於死,需小心因應。夜間活動,以蛙、蜥蜴、蛇、鳥和鼠類為食。胎生,每窩可產20-63條仔蛇。台灣數量極為稀少,有人走私進口,卻怕被緝獲而將蛇丟棄於港口附近,造成港口附近居民被咬的紀錄。