簡介:"Minois nagasawae IntroductionEndemic species to Taiwan , this butterfly live in high-mountain grasslands at >2,500 meters in elevation. Not all details of its life cycle are known, but it probably has on e generation a year. Larvae feed on leaves of plants from the family Poaceae . Emergence of adult Nagasawa's Dryads is from July to October. Adults feed on nectar or animal feces. 動物昆蟲蝴蝶蝶蛺蝶永澤蛇目蝶永澤蛇眼蝶Minois nagasawae (Matsumura, 1906) 永澤蛇目蝶 Minois nagasawae (Matsumura, 1906) 亦稱永澤蛇眼蝶。本種屬中型蛺蝶,雌雄蝶外型相近,但雌蟲體型較大,且斑紋較發達。前翅背面帶有光澤的濃茶褐色,近外緣處有2枚中央呈藍紫色的黑色眼狀紋;後翅背面色澤同前翅,近外緣處有3~4枚黑色眼狀紋。翅腹面的底色較背面淺,前翅近外緣有兩枚眼狀紋,近頂角者較大;後翅近外緣有兩條深褐色的波浪狀曲線。 本種為台灣特有種,主要分布於海拔2500公尺以上的高山草原,局部普遍,一年一世代,7~10月可見成蟲活動。成蟲取食花蜜及動物糞便的汁液。幼生期尚不詳。"