簡介:"大白斑蝶 Idea leuconoe clara 成蟲前後翅為白色,翅脈黑色,翅背、腹面皆具有黑斑。雌雄無明顯差異,但雄蝶在追求雌蝶的過程中會將腹部生殖器顯露出來,此在外形上可加以辨識。幼蟲以夾竹桃科之爬森藤葉片為食草,雌蝶產卵於寄主葉背,幼蟲棲息於莖藤上,受驚嚇會假死,化蛹於葉背或附近植物。成蟲飛行緩慢,有假死的習性,除冬季較少見外,於夏、秋兩季較易見到成蟲活動,生活在海濱樹林旁草叢環境,喜訪花。本種主要分布於台灣南部低山地區及東北角海岸林或近海的山區,蘭嶼及綠島二離島亦有分佈。尚分布於琉球、中南半島、馬來半島、菲律賓等地區。 Idea leuconoe clara IntroductionIdea leuconoe clara has white wings, black veins, and black markings on dorsal and ventral sides. Females lay eggs on the back of host's leaves. Larvae feed on leaves of Parsonsia laevigata (family Apocynaceae) . When scared, larvae of the first instar will escape by dropping down, hanging from an attached silk. Larvae of the final instar will play dead by curving up their bodies. When stressed (e.g. pushed or poked), larvae will spit out green body fluid. The I. leuconoe clara pupate on the back of their host's leaves or on neighboring plants. Adults like to visit flowers. They are most likely found in summer and fall in thick grass near coastal forests. In Taiwan , they are mainly distributed in low elevations in the south and in coastal forests and neighboring mountains in the northeast. They are also found in Orchid Island and Lyudao ( Green Island ). "