簡介:" 黃裳鳳蝶 Troides aeacus formosanus,為台灣特有亞種, 屬大型鳳蝶,前翅 13~20 公分,並為鳥翼蝶 (Birdwing butterflies) 成員之一;鳥翼蝶有 Troides、Ornitoptera 和 Trogonoptera 三屬,體型皆十分巨大,且都是華盛頓公約 (CITES) 下的保護物種。幼蟲初期棲於寄主植物 (台灣產各種馬兜鈴屬植物) 的葉背,成長過程中常會啃咬寄主木質化莖,致使植株末端枯死。本種為多世代種,成蟲全年可見,尤其是南部地區,出現高峰為每年 3~4 月和 9~10 月。成蝶於清晨、黃昏時分訪花採蜜,喜好訪紅、橙色系的花。本種族群拓展快速,人工飼養容易,但棲地破壞與濫捕仍導致其數量銳減,目前為行政院農委會公告之保育類野生動物第二類「珍貴稀有野生動物」。本種資料主要引用顏和楊 (1991) 和徐 (1999) 所發表之文獻內容。IntroductionTroides aeacus formosanusEndemic subspecies to Taiwan. F orewings of this large swallowtail butterfly spread 13-20 cm. In early larval stages, Hengchun Birdwings live on the back of leaves of plants from the genus Aristolochia, chewing lignified stems and causing necrosis of plant tips. Adults are found year round, especially in southern Taiwan. Peak emergence periods are in March and April and September and October. Hengchun Birdwings suck nectar at dawn and dusk and are particularly fond of red and orange flowers. The Hengchun Birdwing population can spread fast. They are easy to breed. Excessive harvesting and habitat loss have caused the decrease of their populations. "