簡介:" 寬尾鳳蝶 Agehana maraho 為台灣特有種,亦為行政院農委會公告之保育類野生動物第一類「瀕臨絕種野生動物」。英名:Broad-tailed swallowtail。本種後翅尾突特別寬大,並有兩條翅脈 延伸入尾突末端,為本種之主要特徵,其中文名也源自於此。雌、雄蝶之色彩、斑紋相似。幼蟲為單食性,唯一寄主植物為台灣擦樹,屬台灣珍貴稀有的特有種植物。成蟲發生期為 4~8 月,每年有兩次發生高峰,一般認為主要分布於台灣北部、中部海拔 1000 至 2000 公尺的山區,以高雄縣藤枝附近為南界。寬尾鳳蝶屬 Agehana 全世界僅有兩種,分別是產於中國大陸的中國寬尾鳳蝶 A. elwesi (Leech, 1839) 及台灣的寬尾鳳蝶。有關本種之描述主要引用楊和曾 (1996)、李和王 (1997) 、顏和楊 (2000)、詹和羅 (2000) 和徐等人 (2006) 所發表之文獻內容。ClassificationAgehana marahoEndemic species to Taiwan. This butterfly is mainly distinguished by its broad wingtails with two veins. Male and female Broad-tailed Swallowtails have similar colors and patterns. They only feed on the rare Taiwan Sasafras ( Sasafras randaiense ) , a tree endemic to Taiwan. Broad-tailed Swallowtails emerge from April through August, with emergence peaking twice a year. They are generally distributed in northern and central Taiwan between 1,000 and 2,000 meters in elevation. Tengjhih in Kaohsiung County is the southmost boundary. There are only two butterfly species in the world in genus Agehana : A. elwesi (Leech, 1839) in China and the Broad-tailed Swallowtail. "