簡介:IntroductionPieris canidiaWidely distributed in Pakistan , northern India , Myanmar , southern China , and Taiwan . Their distribution in Taiwan is from lowlands to high elevations. The Indian Cabbage White is one of the most common butterfly species in Taiwan 's spring. Larvae feed on leaves of Brassicaceae plants. Because larvae in final instar eat a lot, they are considered pests for vegetable crops. Males and females Indian Cabbage Whites have similar patterns, but can be distinguished by the clear black markings on females forewings. Pieris canidia 在台灣俗稱台灣紋白蝶,又名緣點白粉蝶、東方菜粉蝶、白粉蝶、台灣異紋白粉蝶。卵為橙黃色梭狀。幼蟲初孵化時黃色,隨時間變化成長為綠色,在幼蟲背面有一條黃色的線,兩邊側面則是有黃色的虛線,取食十字花科植物的葉片,末齡幼蟲的取食量最為驚人,為一重要的蔬菜害蟲。蛹為縊蛹,隨著附著位置不同而有綠色及褐色兩種。成蟲展翅寬約 45~56 mm,雄蟲翅膀背面為白色,前翅背面頂端呈黑褐色,前翅腹面有兩個明顯黑色斑點;雌蟲前翅背面有兩個明顯的黑色斑點,在雄蟲有些個體的斑點不明顯,有些甚至消失,雌蟲前翅腹面亦有兩個明顯黑色斑點,雌蟲體型較雄蟲大,雄雌蟲的後翅腹面基部上緣為鮮黃色。白天活動,飛行緩慢,喜歡訪花採蜜,是菜園中常見的小型粉蝶,在春季看到的成蟲數量最多。在整個台灣之分布範圍極廣,從平地至高海拔山區均可看見。(徐,1999)