簡介:" 日本紋白蝶 Pieris rapae crucivora,又名白粉蝶、菜粉蝶、菜白蝶、紋白蝶、紋白粉蝶、普通紋白蝶。卵為橙黃色梭狀。幼蟲初孵化色黃,隨時間變化成長為綠色,在幼蟲背面有一條模糊的黃色線,兩邊側面則是有黃色的虛線 。本種是食植物性昆蟲,幼蟲取食十字花科植物的葉片,末齡時之取食量最為驚人,為重要的蔬菜害蟲之一。蛹為縊蛹,有綠色及褐色兩種,主要是隨著附著位置而有不同。此種屬於中小型粉蝶 ,而成蟲比臺灣紋白蝶略大,展翅約 45-56 mm,翅白色,前翅翅角有三角形黑斑,且後翅有一黑色斑點,但是後翅緣並無黑色斑紋,雌蟲體型較雄蟲大,雄雌蟲的後翅腹面基部上緣為鮮黃色。成蟲於白天活動,飛行緩慢,喜歡訪花採蜜,是菜園中常見的粉蝶,除了寒冷的 1-2 月較少外, 其他時間皆可看見其蹤跡,而在春季看到成蟲的數量最多。在整個台灣,分布範圍極廣,從平地至高海拔山區均可看見,以平地所見數量居多。(徐,2002)IntroductionPieris rapae crucivoraOriginally widely distributed in Europe, Asia, and Africa, it invaded North America and Australia via human activities. In Taiwan , Small Whites began appearing in large numbers in the 1960s. They could have been introduced via imported vegetables. Hosts of the larvae are plants from the family Brassicaceae , making it one of the devastating pests of vegetable crops. Peaking in spring, adult Small Whites are easily found in all months but January and February. In Taiwan , they are widely distributed from lowlands to high elevation s, but are mostly seen in lowlands. Sometimes they are found with Indian Cabage Whites in the same habitat. The lack of black markings on hindwind edges distinguishes Small Whites from Indian Cabbage Whites. "