簡介:"General color of Extensus latus. pale yellow, one black band from apex of vertex through pro- and mesonotum, commissural suture to end of clavus; tegmen deep brown at apex, with black spot and stripes, spot at basal margin of 2nd apical cell, stripes along cross vein of costal cell and within 4th apical cell. So far, the biological information and host plant of this species is still unknown. The description of this species based on the description of Huang (1989).Extensus latus 體色為淡黃色,有一條黑色帶從頭頂端部經前胸及中胸背板,連接縫一直到肘脈區末端,前翅在端部深褐色,具黑色斑點和條紋,斑點位於第二端室基部邊緣,條紋則沿著前緣室橫脈和位於第四端室內。 截至目前為止,本種之寄主植物及相關生物學資料仍未知。本種敘述引用黃坤煒 (1989) 之文獻。"
學名原始發表文獻:Huang, K. W. 1989. Nirvanini of Taiwan (Homoptera: Cicadellidae: Nirvaninae). Bull. Soc. Entomol., NCHU 21: 61-76.