簡介:"為台灣特有種綠色樹蛙,分布在本島南投縣以北的中低海拔山區附近,主要在台北縣、苗栗縣及宜蘭縣等地。繁殖期從10月到次年4月,是少數在冬天繁殖的蛙類。相近種類比較:莫氏樹蛙眼睛虹彩橘紅色,體側有許多黑斑,股部內側橘紅色。TaipeiTree FrogIntroductionThe Taipei tree frog is an endemic species of Taiwan . They are mostly found in mid-low elevation mountainous regions north of Nantou county, mainly in Taipei , Miaoli, and Yi-Lan counties respectively. They are one of the few species of frogs that reproduce during winter, with breeding seasons lasting from October until April of the following year. Comparisons with related species: The Moltrechtis green tree frog has orange irises, black spots on the sides of the body, and orange coloring on the inner thighs. "