簡介:"為台灣特有種綠色樹蛙,僅分布於台灣北部南北勢溪流域及宜蘭縣與桃園縣的低海拔地區,如新店廣興、烏來娃娃谷、宜蘭福山植物園,宜蘭礁溪等地。終年都可聽到鳴叫繁殖,但以9~10月及3~5月為生殖高峰期。相近種類比較:橙腹樹蛙腹側橙紅色沒有黑斑,莫氏樹蛙體側沒有白線,虹彩為橘紅色。Emerald Green Tree FrogIntroductionThe Emerald green tree frog is an endemic species of tree frogs in Taiwan. They are distributed primarily along the Nanshi and Beishi river basins and low elevation areas such as Xindian's Guangxin, Wulai's Wa-Wa valley (renamed Neidong), Yi-lan's Fushan Botanical garden and Jiaoshi, spreading across Yi-Lan and Taoyuan counties respectively. Their mating calls can be heard all year round, with breeding peaks from March to May and again from September to October. Comparisons with related species: The Orange-belly green tree frog has ventral orange coloring but without black spots; the Moltrechtis green tree frog does not have white stripes on the lateral side of the body, and has orange irises. "