簡介:" 火藥筒是火槍傳入後,攜帶與盛置火藥及裝填火藥於火槍之用,由於火槍是與漢人交易而來,因此排灣族火藥筒的形制也多半與漢人於清代時傳入者類似,多為獸角或木材製,也有以竹筒製的火藥筒,但防潮性較差。 PaiwanIntroductionGunpowder containersAs their name suggests, gunpowder containers were used to store gunpowder. Rifles were obtained from Han Chinese through trade. Thus, the gunpowder containers used by the Paiwan tribe mostly resembled those used by the Han Chinese during the Qing dynasty. Such containers were usually made from animal horn or wood. Bamboo was a less popular material as it was not as moisture-proof."