簡介:"Amis-Woven baskets-Ethnology-原住民-民族誌-標本-阿美-編籃W oven baskets were items used everyday by the Amis. They were used to store crops, collect foodstuffs and hold tools and clothes and other items. The materials used to make the baskets was rattan and bamboo and long and short knives were used. In Ami society, woven containers were important for storing and carrying in everyday life. This highly developed handicraft was used mainly to provide for the people's own needs. In traditional Ami society basic craft skills had to be learned by males before the mikadafo stage. Generally, craft skills would be taught by elder people. As the environment changed colored nylon strip has often been used in the place of rattan and bamboo because it is cheap and easy to acquire. In recent years Amis women have become involved in weaving. 編籃為阿美族的日常盛置器具,有放置農作物、採集食物、家務工具、雜物、衣服等。編籃的最主要材料是藤、竹;工具是長刀和小刀。阿美族社會中,編器為日常生活裡盛置和運輸的重要器具,這個相當發達的編器工藝,最主要是自給自足的基本需求。 對傳統的阿美族社會來說,手工藝技能是男子為婿(mikadafo)前必要學會的基本技能。 一般而言,年齡階級中的老人是手工藝技能的導師。隨著大環境社會的改變,編器材料也大量的採用多色彩的尼龍纖維為素材,其特性是較籐、竹材料便宜、方便、易大量取得;晚近也出現有阿美族女性在編器的領域裡活動。 "