簡介: 賽夏族稱胸兜為「taoya’」,與泰雅族稱胸兜為「taoyaha」極相似。一般研究認為賽夏族的胸兜乃由泰雅族傳入,在使用規則上,缺乏清楚明確的界定、劃分。另外,賽夏族有胸紋刺青裝飾來彰顯獵頭功績的習俗,因此在泰雅族以胸兜為彰顯武功的功能在賽夏族並未被強調。SaisiatBibEthnology賽夏胸兜原住民民族誌標本The Saisiat called their bibs taoya. These were similar to the Atayal's taoyaha and it is generally thought that the Saisiat acquired the custom of bib wearing from the Atayal.There are no clear rules regarding who would wear bibs and how they would be worn. The Saisiat used chest tattoos to display their martial prowess so they did not use bibs to stress this prowess like the Atayal did.