簡介:"SaisiatDancing cap Ethnology賽夏舞帽原住民民族誌標本The Saisiat's dancing cap was called kirakil. The caps were only used during the dancing and singing in the dwarf spirit worship ceremony, and were carried by different surnamed men amidst the singers and dancers. In the past, the cap was worn on the head, but over the years the dancing cap has got larger and heavier and can now no longer be worn on the head. It is now carried on the men' backs. The dancing cap represents a place of rest for the dwarf spirit attending the ceremony. Traditionally, there were round "kirakil" and rectangular " rin'ala' dancing caps. The former was about 130 cm high and about 150 wide, while the latter was about 200 cm high and 90 cm wide. At the end of the ceremony, the mirrors and beads decorating the cap would be saved and used again the next time a cap was made, however the frame and paper strips had to be thrown away in a distant place so that they could not be used by anyone for another purpose. 賽夏族舞帽通稱為「kirakil」。舞帽僅能使用於矮人祭時的歌舞儀式,由各姓氏的男子揹負舞帽,在歌舞進行時巡行於隊伍中。過去舞帽主是戴在頭上,因此被稱為帽,隨著時代的變遷,舞帽愈做愈大,愈來愈沈重,已無法戴在頭上,因此現在已改為揹負在肩上。 舞帽象徵來到祭典場合的矮靈休息的場所。傳統的舞帽有圓形的「kirakil」及長方形的「rin’ala’」兩種形式;前者高約 130公分寬約 150公分,後者高約 200公分,寬約 90 公分。在祭典結束後,舞帽的裝飾品如鏡子、珠子等可留下;待下次製作舞帽時重覆使用,但是帽架、紙條等材料則必須丟棄至偏遠之地,不能再讓人撿起做其他用途。"