簡介:"BununTraps Ethnology原住民民族誌標本布農陷機Introduction T he Bunun were typical high mountain aborigines. They traditionally lived by slash and burn farming in the mountains and also supplemented their diet by hunting and collecting foods. Hunting was an important form of social behavior for the tribe and every special ceremony would feature a hunt. The Bunun were a tribe that stressed hunting. Hunting was carried out purely for survival. They accumulated substantial knowledge of the mountains and made use of materials from the mountains and their knowledge of animal habits to make traps. They used weapons and burning to hunt and also used various kinds of traps to catch animals. They would identify animal type from track, faeces or food remains and then accordingly decide on the type of trap that should be used. 布農族為典型的高山住民,傳統生活基本上依賴山田燒墾的生活方式外,亦輔以狩獵及採集的勞力工作,狩獵是布農族人另一重要的社會行為,凡重要祭典前必行狩獵。 布農族人重視狩獵的民族,布農族人的狩獵生活完全為生存所需,他們累積許多有關山的經驗,並利用山裡任何「材料」且依動物的習性,製作陷阱以獵取野獸。 狩獵的方式有很多,除武器獵、焚獵殺獵物外,還可利用多種不同的陷機裝置。而設置陷機的目的即在捕捉野獸,他們會依動物的足跡、食痕、掘痕、排泄物、殘骸等特徵,判別野生動物的種類與習性,以決定使用陷機的種類和方法,設置陷阱。"