簡介:"BununSmockEthnology原住民民族誌標本布農長衣Smock(long vest)is one of the most representative items of Bunun clothing. The square garment did not reach down to the knees, had buttons down the front and was collarless. In addition to keeping the wearer warm, the decorative effect of the multi-colored pattern on its back was also important, representing the heights of Bunun weaving skill. The garment was made from hessian and leather. The Bunun were a hunting tribe living in the high mountains in the past. Bunun makes were adept at rolling leather. They used mainly deerskin and mountain goat skin to make leather. The hessian was made from plants they grew themselves. Bunun clothes were mainly dark colored with a touch of red and blue. As the environment and times changed, they began to wear brighter colors, like yellow and red, using complex weaving techniques to create brightly colored geometric patterns. 長衣(長背心)為布農男子最具代表性的衣服,衣長不及膝,為方衣式樣,對襟無領,袖子為蓋肩袖。除了禦寒的功能,強調衣背上緹花織造的表現,多彩絢麗的紋飾表現,更為布農族織布工藝最大的特色和技巧。 衣服的原料,以麻布與皮革為主。古代布農族是一狩獵的高山族,布農男子擅長揉皮,皮衣以鹿皮、山羊、山羌皮等為主要材料。麻布來自自行種植的苧麻。 布農族的服飾色澤多以沉穩的深暗,摻以熱情的紅藍為主;後因環境及時代的變遷,逐漸趨向開朗明艷的黃、紅彩紋,運用嵌織、夾織等技巧,織出色彩艷麗幾何圖案。"