簡介:" 綁腿為泰雅女子專有的服飾佩件。它是一方形麻布塊,布塊上夾織幾何紋樣,通常只有婦女才使用,但在部分地區如南澳鄉則為男女均可佩戴的盛裝附件。 昔日泰雅族男女赤腳而行都不穿鞋,而一般婦女在山野中行走,為保護腿部,自膝蓋以下至腳掌上繫綁腿,可防刺。Atayal-Female leggings-Ethnology-原住民-民族誌-標本-泰雅-綁腿L egs wraps were a clothing accessory worn mainly by Atayal women.They were pieces of square cloth embroidered with geometric patterns. Usually, only women worn the leg wraps but in some places,like Nanao rural township, they were worn by men and women on special occasions. In the past the Atayal did not wear shoes and to protect the lower leg they would wear leg ties on the lower leg and foot to protect against injury from thorn or stones."