簡介:Atayal-Gourd bottles -Ethnology-原住民-民族誌-標本-泰雅-種子壺S eed pots were common daily use container for aborigines.Most were made from bottle gourd, were either with or without lids and often had a rattan net on the outside for convenient carrying. The pots were used mainly to store seeds, other small items or to carry water. 種子壺為原住民常使用的容器之一,亦是泰雅族日常生活中普遍使用的容器,大都採用天然成熟的葫蘆製成,略呈橢圓形,有蓋或無蓋,為提攜方便壺外層一般都附籐編提環,主要用途為儲存種子、置物或小型運水器具等。