簡介:"頭旗頭燈陣頭 頭旗是代表主神的旗幟,其造型通常有長方形、正方形或三角形,旗上繡有主神神號。 頭燈亦稱托燈,為燈籠造型,底下設有木桿可供托捧。燈籠上有主神神號,尾隨於頭旗兩旁,因此頭燈至少是一對,多則數對。其功能原為夜間照明,因此有「晝旗夜燈」之說。 Head BannerHead LanternparadeThe head banner is the flag representing the main deity. It has different shapes, such as rectangular, square and triangle shapes. On the flag, the title of the main deity is embroidered. The head lantern is also called the shoulder-carry lamp. It looks like a big lantern, with a rod below for users to carry it on the shoulder. On the head lantern, the title of the main deity is indicated. As the head lantern team usually walks behind both sides of the head banner team, there must be one pair of head lanterns, and sometimes, there are more. Basically, the head lanterns are for lighting purposes. This explains why people described the parade as “Flags during the day time and lights at night” "