林宗毅先生林誠道先生父子捐贈書畫圖錄,頁101-109、184-185&*顧澐(一八三五-一八九六),字若波,號雲壺,吳縣(今江蘇蘇州)人。與吳大澂等結畫社於怡園,並赴日本名古屋,作《南畫樣式》,日本人作為學習楷模。 顧澐善畫山水,此冊所做十二開山水,以孫家楨別墅「小靈山館」為主題,所繪奇石書屋、梅花古松、池波煙靄,皆是山館寫景,並寄隱居之意。畫風清麗秀雅,承襲了十八世紀以來文人雅靜的畫風。 本冊為林誠道先生捐贈。 &*Landscapes Ku Yün (1835-1896) Ch’ing Dynasty Ku Yün (style name Jo-po, sobriquet Yün-hu) was a native of Wu-hsien (modern Soochow, Kiangsu). Ku, Wu Ta-ch’eng (1835-1902), and others formed a painting society at I-yüan. Ku also went to Nagoya, Japan, and wrote Types of Southern School Painting, which Japanese used to study painting. Ku Yün excelled at landscapes, and this album of 12 leaves donated by Mr. Lin Ch’eng-tao deals with Sun Chia-chen’s countryside manor, “Small Ling-chiu Mountain Retreat”. The scenes of the garden rock and studio, plum blossoms and old pines, and lake waves and mists all relate to Sun’s site, also alluding to the idea of living in reclusion. The style is pure and elegant, in the refinement of literati painting from the 18th century onwards.