牡丹倚奇石盛開,雙蝶飛舞花間,雙鳥棲於柏枝上,是幅為花鳥宮屏軸之二,故形式、構圖、設色均與前幅相同,僅圖案略有差異。&* Peonies appear by an ornamental rock in full bloom as a pair of butterflies dance among the flowers. A pair of birds are perched in the branches of a cedar tree. This is one of a pair of scrolls on the subject of birds-and-flowers. The forms, composition, and coloring of these two scrolls made in the Ch’ien-lung era (1736-1795) are almost the same, except for slight differences in the design.&*國立故宮博物院緙絲,圖82