緙絲特展圖錄,頁30-31、96&*素地設色織。壽星騎鶴從天而來,八仙拱手翹首觀望。畫面很小,但織工相當精細。以緙絲人物來說,構圖愈小愈難製作,但此幅卻不受這樣的限制,雖然人物全擠在小小的空間,但不管是動作、神態都十分寫實,尤其以八仙的臉部表情最為生動,將八仙不同的特色表露無遺,尤其鬚眉等處都用針法勾線,更增添幾分自然活潑的面貌。&*秘殿珠林三編(延春閣),頁139&*國立故宮博物院緙絲,黑白圖版36&*Woven in colored threads on a light background is the god of immortality riding on a crane as the Eight Immortals look up in reverence. Though this tapestry is quite small, the weaving is very refined. The smaller the figural composition, the more difficult it is to render in tapestry. Indeed, the artist here was not hindered by size. Though the figures are all squeezed into a small space, their actions and expressions are natural and realistic. The faces of the Eight Immortals are particularly lively as every individual feature of the eight figures is fully represented. The needlework for the hair adds a particular sense of realistic and liveliness to their appearance.