國立故宮博物院緙絲,圖版24、25。&*淺藍地設色織。湖岸雙雁棲息,一隻低頭覓食,另一隻展翅警戒,造型古拙自然,旁有湖石,芙蓉、蘆草傍生,湖面荷花盛開,上有桂枝垂掛,天空佈滿雲彩,畫面極富野趣。此幅織法規律,織紋緊密,尤其以多股的色線扭撚合聚,顏色變化細膩,更特別的是以金箔捻絲,呈現一種光澤亮麗的效果。在技法方面,利用「長短戧」法表現色系的深淺漸層暈染的效果。雙雁羽毛及水波紋皆較圖案化,但花葉生動自然,為宋代緙絲精品。&*Two wild geese rest on the shore in this tapestry of colors against a light blue background. One bends down searching for food as the other flaps its wings, the forms of the motifs simple yet natural. Beside them are a lake rock, hibiscus, and reeds and grasses. Lotuses are in full bloom as a branch of cassia droops into the scene, the air filled with a rainbow of clouds to give the image a very rich yet rustic feel. The weaving technique is regulated and the pattern tight in this work, especially where many strands of colored thread are twisted together to form an exquisite range of colors. Of special note is the twisting of gold foil strands into the weaving, yielding a bright and glossy effect. As for technique, the "long and short propping" method renders the effect of graded shades from light to dark that suggest color washes. The geese feathers and water ripples are all patterned, but the flowers and leaves are animated and natural, making this a fine example of Sung tapestry.&*1.童文娥,〈緙絲芙蓉雙雁〉,收入童文娥主編,《緙絲風華 — 宋代緙絲花鳥展圖錄》(臺北:國立故宮博物院,2007年初版一刷),頁13。