石渠寶笈三編(延春閣),第六冊,頁2679&*故宮書畫錄(卷八),第四冊,頁163&*諸昇(西元一六一八年生),字日如,號曦庵,仁和(今杭州)人。善畫蘭蕙竹石,師魯得之,筆勁利勻整,所繪雪竹尤佳。亦工山水,年愈七十三。 溪澗旁有竹數竿,其側奇石斜出,後方湍泉三折而下。畫叢皇墨色濃淡,具前後掩映之妙。竹竿挺立,行筆勁拔,畫竹葉小草筆亦鋒利,坡石筆法則極靈動。畫成於辛亥(一六七一),時五十四歲。 本幅為「明人集繪」冊第四開。&*Chu Sheng (style name; Jih-ju, sobriquet; Hsi-an) was a native of Jen-ho (modern Hangchow). He excelled at painting orchids, bamboo, and stones with his teacher being Lu Te-chih. Chu Sheng’s brushwork was sharp and neat, and he could paint bamboo in snow particularly well. He was also good at landscapes. He lived to the age of 72. Depicted in this painting are several stalks of bamboo at the edge of a stream. Next to them are strange rocks thrusting out diagonally, and to the rear is a rapid mountain spring descending in three bends. In the painting of the bamboo grove, the ink is both dark and light, thus conveying wonderful contrasts all over the scene. The bamboo stalks stand up straight and rendered with forceful running brushwork. The depiction of the bamboo leaves and grass was done with incisive brushwork. The brush strokes in the slope and rocks are extremely animated. The painting was done in 1671, when Chu Sheng was 53-years-old.