石渠寶笈初編(御書房),下冊,頁1139&*故宮書畫錄(卷五),第三冊,頁73&*故宮書畫圖錄,第二冊,頁23-24&* 馬和之(約活動於十二世紀中葉),浙江杭州人。紹興時登第,任官工部侍郎,深得皇帝賞識。善畫山水樹石,所作人物尤其佳妙。 本幅構思平實,設色淡雅,山紋水波,垂柳葉幹,飄逸柔和的景色中,散發著淡淡的春之氣息。幅中雖有「和之」款,然筆墨線條和世傳的馬氏筆法不類,當為後仿之作。畫幅右下有千字文第七五一「歡」字編號。 &* Ma Hezhi of Hangzhou in Zhejiang became a Presented Scholar in the Shaoxing era (1131-1162) and then was Vice Director of Works. Appreciated by Emperors Gaozong and Xiaozong, Ma excelled at landscapes as well as rocks and trees. His figures were quite marvelous, learning from Wu Daoxuan’s style to create his “leech strokes.” The composition here seems plain, but the colors are elegant. The brushwork for the delicate mountain veins, waves, and willows emit an aura of spring. Though this work has a “Hezhi” signature, the lines differ from other surviving works, suggesting a later imitation. In the lower right is the 751st character (huan 歡) from the “Thousand Character Classic,” indicating the work was once in Xiang Yuanbian’s collection.