石渠寶笈續編(養心殿),第二冊,頁1174&*故宮書畫錄(卷八),第四冊,頁21&*張照(1691-1745),華亭(今上海松江)人,字得天,號涇南,別號梧囪、天瓶居士。康熙四十八年(1709)進士,官至刑部尚書,諡文敏。擅長書法,深通佛教經典,在法律和音樂方面也有很高造詣。張照書法初從董其昌入手,繼乃出入米芾、顏真卿。此冊書於1741年,用筆精熟靈動,線條蒼勁,粗細有致,寫來筆勢翻飛,氣勢連貫,狂放處頗得懷素草法之意趣。&* Zhang Zhao (style name Detian; sobriquets Jingnan, Wucong, and Tianping jushi) was a native of Huating (modern Songjiang, Shanghai). A Presented Scholar (jinshi) of 1709, he rose to the rank of Minister of Justice and was posthumously awarded the name Wenmin. Excelling at calligraphy, he was well-versed in Buddhist texts and also learned in law and music as well. Zhang Zhao first started studying the calligraphic style of Dong Qichang, but later he also included those of Mi Fu and Yan Zhenqing. This album, done in 1741, features adept brushwork and mature lines that vary in thickness. The force of the brush flies with momentum in a vigorous and flowing manner, the places of wildness somewhat akin to Huaisu’s cursive script methods.