秘殿珠林續編(乾清宮),頁199&*故宮書畫錄(卷八),第四冊,頁18&*楷書泥金寫本﹝佛頂心大陀羅尼經﹞三卷,本幅共三十九開,為明宣宗宣德四年(一四二九)九月二十四日製。每幅上隨經繪像,各標名目,末附符咒。卷首繪觀世音菩薩向善男信女說陀羅經,卷尾繪韋馱天神,人物形象優美生動,描金線條細膩靈活,無作者款印。&*Written in gold ink, the calligrapher here transcribed the esoteric teachings of Kuan-yin, the Bodhisattva of Mercy, in three chapters onto 39 album leaves using standard script. According to the inscription, it was completed on the 24th day of the ninth month of the fourth year of Hsüan-tsung's reign (i.e.,1429). Each leaf is accompanied by an illustration that describes the content of the text and also includes a title. At the end of the work is a brief incantation. The Bodhisattva of Mercy appears at the beginning of the scroll preaching to devout followers. At the end of the work is a depiction of the Wei-t'o deity. The figures appear elegant and lively, rendered in slender gold brushwork, Unfortunately, there is no signature or seal to indicate who the artist was.